Friday, March 20, 2009

Cold Hard Murder

There is so much happening out here. It seems layoff victims have escalated from stress and cigarrettes, to divorce and murder.

I mean there have been so many stories in the news, both local and national, that make me wonder if they are related to someone's financial turmoil.

Besides the rash of bank robberies, that seem to happen so frequently now...people running in the banks without masks or guns...not killing anyone...but demanding cash and getting away with it...It seems more people are resorting to cold hard murder.

I noticed this long before the 20-something year old man in Alabama killed 10 people. Or before the mentally challenged person open fired on his pastor in front of the congregation.

My first realization that layoffs could lead to murder, is when I had to rush to the scene of a SUV in the marina at the Horseshoe Casino in Hammond. It wasn't just a car in the marina..a body was in there too. A man apparently shot a woman several times and pushed her out of the vehicle...or she jumped out. She died near the dock of the marina. The driver, then shot himself and the Hummer landed in the water, with his body inside.

What really happened one really knows...or at least the truth hasn't been reported to the media. But here we have 2 people, both from out of state at a casino in Indiana. Did they gamble all they had for one last shot at financial success...or was it a domestic situation gone wrong? But dead bodies by a casino, probably isn't anything new, but I can't help but think their financial situation wasn't looking too good.

Factor in stress, the economy, the latest cigarette tax and overdraft bank accounts...I can see the reason for relationship related discomfort. I even saw a little bit of a story, that was going to air on Good Morning America, where a woman said she lost respect for her husband, because he lost his job. When the video showed him, he was in tears. She was relentless and strong in her opinion, while he felt worthless.

Even the student I am somewhat dating, he is so confident, so intelligent, but he has lost a spark, since he lost his job. Somewhat depressed that his days can be spent only studying rather than working. Although, I have not lost respect for him. Because it is drive and determination that is attractive, regardless of the end result (Right?). But it is very difficult to pursue or enjoy a relationship when finances are perhaps foremost in your thoughts.

While some relationships and marriages are falling apart, I think there are so many relationships that are growing stronger.

My relative who has been out of work for at least 3 months now has been the most pleasant she has ever been in her life. It is amazing. Perhaps the fact it is her husband who pays the bills while she is amused at the distress of others while she uses change to make purchases..or her current Master's Program that incorporates Doctoral Program classes, or perhaps the fact that she has the time to be a perfect housewife to her husband is giving them joy. While I believe he is carrying the brunt of the stress on his back..they are happy...and will be off on their wedding anniversary trip to Canada that was paid for by her unemployment check.

Like my relative, I have always found creative ways to make money and pay for things. If it comes down to it...I use change. It is no longer embarrassing. I will not go to the extremes like my relative and buy something for $12.46 using nickels, but I do it and always have. If I want to travel to Puerto Rico, I will go on a Time Share tour to snag a free trip. If I want a bowl of chilli, I get one from Wendy's for $1...if I want a drink in a bar, I go on special's night (I am talking $2 to $3) or go with a friend who is picking up the tab. If I will be late on my rent or car note...I call the landlord or lender and renegotiate a payment schedule.

I have always found joy in my creative spending plan...while it seems so many others have been forced into this reality I have been living all of my life. They aren't happy about it, they feel worthless to the point where they want to kill someone or themselves or both. I have lost friends who have lost their minds when they have lost their jobs and I have tried to help them. For people like me, currently blessed to be working more than one job, although the pay is marginal at is sometimes awkward to step in and help someone out of work. You may be either cursed out or killed. I mean c'mon, this is an opportunity where we can reconnect with ourselves, with all of our talents, with the realities of survival and our creativity. For me, writing and listening to a free CD I burned for free is relaxing. It is a better solution than just cold hard murder.

Just like this weekend, I plan to shape my own eyebrows and manicure my own nails, rather than paying for someone else to do them...and if I can find the time...reschedule a time share tour. I'd like to go to Vegas, where hopefully there are no Hummers driving near marinas.